

Demonstrationen foran den ungarske ambassade sendte et klart signal om solidaritet til LGBTQIA+ miljøet i Ungarn På en kold marts-aften, mandag den 24. marts, fyldtes fortovet foran den ungarske ambassade i København af viljestyrke og solidaritet. Demonstranterne var mødt op for at sende et klart budskab: Vi accepterer ikke diskrimination og had! Det ungarske parlament

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Protect Budapest Pride from this illegal ban!

Steve Taylor, Head of Secretariat at Copenhagen Pride and former board member of European Pride Organisers Association The decision of the Hungarian parliament to approve legislation to ban Pride in Budapest and elsewhere in Hungary is an affront to the rights of every LGBTQIA+ person, and it is illegal.  The bill, put forward by the

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Thanks for a lovely Winter Pride!

The 11th edition of Winter Pride ended on Sunday after more than 30 events, including debates, workshops, live comedy, podcast recording, film screening, concert, volunteer events and LGBTQIA+ history tours around the city. Across the city there were events at Studenterhuset, Jailhouse CPH, Centre Stage, Vela, Nordhus and Empire Bio. The programme also included a

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You can support Copenhagen Pride by buying your Pride-merch, such as flags, wristbands, and clothes in our shop.

Become a volunqueer
with Copenhagen Pride

At Copenhagen Pride, we depend on volunteers both during our events such as Pride Week in august and Winter Pride in February but also our working groups.

Support our work
at Copenhagen Pride

When choosing to make a donation to Copenhagen Pride, every penny will go towards our work for LGBTI+ visibility in Denmark, as well as making sure our events remain for everyone, no matter their wealth.