Queer and more

Editor’s note: It was with great sorrow that we learned that Henrik Silvius, who participated in this article, passed away in January 2023. Henrik was a passionate activist and advocate for queer and disabled rights, as well as a kind person with humor and a great sense of style. He will be greatly missed. Rest[…]

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Make your mark on Denmark’s biggest LGBTI+ event!

Copenhagen Pride is Denmark’s biggest, most colourful, and most diverse human rights manifestation and for more than 25 years has brought the campaign for equality and diversity to the streets of Copenhagen. The organisation is primarily run by passionate volunteers, and the key persons in charge of the various fields are called area managers. From[…]

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Job opportunity: Partnerships Coordinator

Copenhagen Pride organises Denmark’s biggest human rights events and we are recruiting a skilled Partnerships Coordinator to join our Secretariat. Reporting to the Head of Secretariat, the Partnerships Coordinator will support the small team of Partnerships Specialists in activating our partner and sponsor contracts in the run-up to Copenhagen Pride week in August. The role[…]

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A rejection of virginity

By Mie HaldPhoto: Patrick Perkins via Unsplash I am not a virgin. I’ve never had sex, nor do I ever want to. But I reject virginity. I do this for multiple reasons. First of all, virginity is a social construct; I don’t have a hymen that’ll break during penetrative intercourse, a myth that actively harms[…]

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Queer and kinky

Navigating spaces across identities “It’s about deeper feelings, not about how a person presents” By N BrownIllustrations by Sabrina Hansen This article explores kink – an aspect of identity that, while not the cause of structural oppression, influences a person’s experience of queerness. Through separate conversations with four members of kink communities here in Copenhagen[…]

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Queer Migrations

Imagining Intersectional Positions and Potentials By Rieke Schröder og Marie Lunau Illustration by Meraj Sharifi The migration of queer people is not a new phenomenon; queer people have sought for safer and more inclusive spaces for centuries; queer people have fled discrimination within borders, from rural to urban, and across borders to seek protection. What is[…]

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From Poland with love: Welcome to the new organizational vice chair, Nina Matusik! 

En vigtig del af Copenhagen Prides struktur er de to næstforpersoner og kassereren, som alle bliver udpeget på det første bestyrelsesmøde efter generalforsamlingen. I det kommende år fortsætter Lars Østergreen som kasserer og Tommy Petersen som politisk næstforperson, mens et nyt ansigt indtager rollen som organisatorisk forperson: Nina Matusik.   Både Tommy og Lars er[…]

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