What We Owe to Each Other

Photo by Wikipedia Commons By Lærke Vinter Christiansen The LGBTI+ community has a very long history, as old as time itself. This history is beautiful, somber, and more often than not, forgotten. Forgotten by a heteronormative society that was always there right next to us, ready to will us out of existence. At first, they[…]

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Udtalelse fra Copenhagen Pride vedr. Nørrebro Pride

Kære venner!  Copenhagen Pride og Nørrebro Pride er to vidt forskellige organisationer med vidt forskellige måder at kommunikere på. Vi sameksisterer – men vi samarbejder faktisk slet ikke.  Vi oplever i disse dage, hvor vi i øvrigt er i fuld gang med at afholde det globale event WorldPride i København, at debatten og medieinteressen har[…]

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Stop the hate now!

The legacy of Live and Let Live By Mariya Alfa Staugaard In the summer of 2020, a young man was walking down the street in the city center of Copenhagen when a stranger decided to film himself yelling at him, subsequently uploading the clip to Instagram. What made the video amusing in the eyes of[…]

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Copenhagen Pride calls for Annual General Assembly

The general assembly will be held at Copenhagen Pride’s new premises on Farvergade 2, st. in Copenhagen, on Monday 15 November 2021 at 19.00 according to the following agenda: Election of meeting chair Election of rapporteur Election of vote counters The board’s report on the association’s activities in the past year The audited accounts are[…]

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Editorial: Welcome to the inclusion edition!

Photo by Solbjørgh Hansen For the fifth time, we have the pleasure of welcoming you to HeartCore – The Official Copenhagen Pride magazine. We have moved through a winter of isolation and distance, into a spring filled with uncertainty, finally to arrive in the summertime and the Pride season with renewed hope for the future.[…]

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Copenhagen 2021 wins Danish Rainbow Award

This article originally appeared on Copenhagen 2021’s website. Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride and EuroGames has been recognised by the Danish Rainbow Awards with n honorary prize awarded by the judges. In a sparkling ceremony at the iconic Cirkusbygningen in Copenhagen, more than 30 members of the Copenhagen 2021 team were present to learn that the judges[…]

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She is absolute

Photo by Sarah NoregaardBy Paulie Amanita “De mi tierra bella, de mi tierra santaOigo ese grito de los tamboresY los timbales al cumbancharY ese pregón que canta un hermanoQue de su tierra vive lejanoY que el recuerdo le hace llorarUna canción que vive entonandoDe su dolor de su propio llantoY se le escucha penar(…)” Gloria[…]

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