Raise your fists, solidarity still exists

By Anne Sophie Parsons During quarantine, I have been watching the feel-good comedy Pride (2014) as a sort of makeshift security blanket now that the possibility of gathering physically in the LGBTI+ community has been put on extended leave. With a healthy amount of disarming humour, the movie portrays a group of idealistic homosexual activists in 1984’s[…]

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H.K.H Kronprinsessen taler ved Copenhagen Pride Week show 2020

10.7.2020 HKH Kronprinsessen holder tale ved Danmarks største årligt tilbagevendende menneskerettigheds-begivenhed: Copenhagen Pride Week. Det er med stor glæde, at Copenhagen Pride kan meddele, at Kronprinsesse Mary har takket ja til at være en af hovedtalerne under Copenhagen Pride Week. ”Kronprinsessen har ved flere lejligheder vist sin opbakning til LGBTI+ miljøet og talt for lige[…]

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Digital Copenhagen Pride Parade 2020

We have been looking forward to lifting the veil: we will be creating Copenhagen Pride week in a virtual space. Through our website, you enter a virtual version of City Hall Square. Follow our debates, events and activities as if you were physically present. Copenhagen Pride is working on full power over the summer, together[…]

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Five Qs for the chairperson

A whole new Pride Lars Henriksen has been chairperson of Copenhagen Pride since 2013. Here, he discusses what the new circumstances will mean for Copenhagen Pride Week 2020 and what has been learned during the planning process. What can we expect from Copenhagen Pride Week this year? First and foremost: that it will be different[…]

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Message from Copenhagen Pride regarding Pride 2020

“To all of you, who have worked hard planning festivals, markets and other big events this summer: Unfortunately, I have a very important announcement: Large assemblies until and including August will be banned” – Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Naturally, Copenhagen Pride is sad to hear Prime Minister Mette Frederiksens announcement, even though we fully support the[…]

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