Silent Voices

By Mie Hald Photo: Ernie A. Stephens / Unsplash LGBTI+ people have been out and about for thousands of years, creating history and becoming icons. But not everyone is known for their queerness, and it isn’t always possible to pinpoint an exact identity to a historical individual. Here you’ll find more or lesser-known historical figures[…]

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Queer spaces and sustainability

By Meraj Sahrifi I have visited queer spaces in several European countries; I have talked to Dutchmen in Berlin, have conversed with tipsy strangers in the world’s oldest gay bar, and listened to queer sex workers’ frustrations with online platforms. We all agree, queer spaces have seen an unprecedented increase in cisgender-heterosexual (cis-het) people who[…]

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Entitled and oblivious at Pride

By Christian-Sebastian LauritsenPrivate photo Is the Pride parade embarrassing?  Pride has always had its critics, but only a few of them come from within our rainbow community – unfortunately, this seems to be slowly changing, and therefore now is a good time to remind each other what pride actually is. When I’m out and about[…]

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Editorial: A word on sustainability

By Mariya Alfa Staugaard, Editor-in-Chief It is once again our pleasure to welcome you to HeartCore. As the calendar has shifted to 2022, the magazine has entered its second year of existence and with that in mind, it is fitting that our theme this time is SUSTAINABILITY. We can think about sustainability in several different[…]

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The Good One

By Maya FarmerThere is a certain anger reservedFor the lesbian so good it hurtsStrapping herself against railingsMarching in yellow coats when it’s hailingShe can preach all day about climate justiceShe can clomp about in Lucy and yakBut that doesn’t mean she’s not a wankerThat of shit she’s not a sackNo matter how many timesShe scampers[…]

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