Copenhagen Pride, Malmö City Library & Malmö Pride present: HallowQueen Horror Stories

A horrifically literary cosy afternoon! Join us for a spooktacular afternoon of LGBTI+ literature readings when Copenhagen Pride, Malmö City Library and Malmö Pride in collaboration invite you to spend Halloween with us. Ramona Macho – Chantal al Arab – Danna Belle – Dolores Von Strass Directed by Christoffer Berdal & Ian Noresson Authors: Tomas[…]

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Copenhagen 2021 wins Danish Rainbow Award

This article originally appeared on Copenhagen 2021’s website. Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride and EuroGames has been recognised by the Danish Rainbow Awards with n honorary prize awarded by the judges. In a sparkling ceremony at the iconic Cirkusbygningen in Copenhagen, more than 30 members of the Copenhagen 2021 team were present to learn that the judges[…]

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Copenhagen Pride calls for Annual General Assembly

The general assembly will be held at Copenhagen Pride’s new premises on Farvergade 2, st. in Copenhagen, on Monday 15 November 2021 at 19.00 according to the following agenda: Election of meeting chair Election of rapporteur Election of vote counters The board’s report on the association’s activities in the past year The audited accounts are[…]

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Pridens svar til Stoklund og Brandenborg

Af Lars Henriksen, Forperson for Copenhagen Pride Denne kronik blev oprindelig bragt i Politiken den 10. juli 2020 Min mormor var socialdemokrat – og stripper! I næsten 40 år arbejdede hun på Færchs tobaksfabrik, hvor hun strippede tobaksbladene fra bladribberne, så de var klar til cigarproduktionen. Undervejs fik hun 7 børn. Livet delte ikke ud[…]

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