Copenhagen Pride’s new board: Familiar faces leading renewed ambition

Photo: Frank Holm / Out & About. From the left: Tommy Petersen (he/him), Brian Allesøe (he/him), Caroline Thøgersen (she/her), Lars Christian Østergreen (he/him), Lars Henriksen (he/him), Benjamin Hansen (he/him) og Nina Matusik (she/her). Ikke med på billedet er Lai Christian Balsig (he/him) og Fombu Asaha (he/him). “Equality and quality”. This is how Copenhagen Pride’s vision[…]

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Call for interviewees: Access at Pride

PRIDE WEEK AND ACCESSIBILITY Have you experienced challenges regarding accessibility during Copenhagen Pride Week and would you like to share these experiences with us? We are looking for 3-4 LGBTI+ people who would like to participate in an interview for an article for HeartCore – The Official Copenhagen Pride Magazine, about the challenges they have[…]

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From Poland with love: Welcome to the new organizational vice chair, Nina Matusik! 

En vigtig del af Copenhagen Prides struktur er de to næstforpersoner og kassereren, som alle bliver udpeget på det første bestyrelsesmøde efter generalforsamlingen. I det kommende år fortsætter Lars Østergreen som kasserer og Tommy Petersen som politisk næstforperson, mens et nyt ansigt indtager rollen som organisatorisk forperson: Nina Matusik.   Både Tommy og Lars er[…]

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Amsterdam wins the bid for WorldPride 2026!

The Board of Copenhagen Pride have congratulated Dutch colleagues Amsterdam Pride after they were announced as the host of WorldPride in 2026. Copenhagen Pride had voted in support of Amsterdam’s bid, which will be the first WorldPride to return to Europe after Copenhagen hosted in 2021. The alternative bid was from Orlando, Florida. Bids were[…]

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Job opportunity: Partnerships Coordinator

Copenhagen Pride organises Denmark’s biggest human rights events and we are recruiting a skilled Partnerships Coordinator to join our Secretariat. Reporting to the Head of Secretariat, the Partnerships Coordinator will support the small team of Partnerships Specialists in activating our partner and sponsor contracts in the run-up to Copenhagen Pride week in August. The role[…]

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AGM 2022: Final agenda

Final agenda for the ordinary general meeting in Copenhagen Pride. The general meeting will be held in the association’s offices at Farvergade 2, st., on 7 November at 7 p.m. Election of moderator Election of reporter Election of vote counters The board’s report on the association’s activities in the past year The audited accounts are[…]

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