The general assembly will be held at Copenhagen Pride’s new premises on Farvergade 2, st. in Copenhagen, on Monday 15 November 2021 at 19.00 according to the following agenda:
- Election of meeting chair
- Election of rapporteur
- Election of vote counters
- The board’s report on the association’s activities in the past year
- The audited accounts are presented
- The organizational supervisory report is presented for information
- Presentation of budget
- Proposals received
- Determination of membership quota
- Choice of chair person (the front person, who is elected for 2 years at a time)
- Election of board of directors and deputy board members (3 board members must be elected)
- Up for election are: Lai Christian Balsig, Charlotte Simonsen, Benjamin Hansen for 2-year period
- Carsten Pedersen for a 1-year period
- Election of auditor, internal auditor and deputy auditor. The deputy auditor’s appointment lapses if a professional auditor is elected
- AOB (any other business)
The final agenda, as well as the wording of received proposals, will be posted on the association’s website no later than 7 days prior to the general assembly.
Proposals for the general assembly must be received by the association by e-mail (or letter post): [email protected] no later than 5.11.2021 at noon.