By Mariya Alfa Staugaard, Editor-in-Chief
It is once again our pleasure to welcome you to HeartCore. As the calendar has shifted to 2022, the magazine has entered its second year of existence and with that in mind, it is fitting that our theme this time is SUSTAINABILITY.
We can think about sustainability in several different ways, which is reflected in the variety of content you will find on these pages. At its core, however, sustainability refers to continuity. To sustain is to carry on, to exist, also through hardship.
As a printed magazine, sustainability is often at the forefront of our minds. Both with regards to ensuring that we reduce the environmental impact as much as possible in the printing process, but also in ensuring that the volunteer editorial staff is thriving. Like the rest of Copenhagen Pride, the existence of HeartCore is reliant on sustaining the passion and pride that the volunteers have in the work that they do.
This is not a task that is undertaken lightly, and while we are always looking to grow and to expand, the sustainability of the platform we have created remains central.
Similarly, sustainability has been a central factor in the recent restructuring of the board of Copenhagen Pride. With a change in the bylaws unanimously approved at the general meeting last November, the board now has two chairpersons as well as two vice chairs. The new division of responsibility between the political and the organizational will help sustain and support the development of the organization in the future.
This edition also contains the program for Copenhagen Winter Pride Week, which will take place in Huset-KBH from 21-26 February. We are looking forward to welcoming you to a full program of culture and human rights events with a range of topics that will encourage you to explore your own identity and maintain curiosity towards the perspectives of others.
With this edition of HeartCore, we invite you to remain curious and investigate your own ideas of sustainability. What does a sustainable space look like to you, and how can we help one another achieve it? As always, we welcome you to reach out and share your thoughts.
Happy reading and happy Winter Pride Week!
On behalf of The HeartCore editorial staff