Disruption to our events

Disruption to Pride events

Copenhagen Pride’s focus is to facilitate the LGBTIQ+ community attitude, while respecting diversity and the right of individuals to express their views.

However, Copenhagen Pride requests that unannounced demonstrations do not interfere with the organisation of Pride events.

Should an unregistered demonstration disrupt or prevent the running of one of Copenhagen Pride’s events and the spokesperson for the demonstration chooses not to enter into dialogue with Priden’s “Dialogue” person and comply with Copenhagen Pride’s instructions, the authorities will take over the dialogue and handling of the demonstration, as Priden is held in the public space, where it is the police who maintain peace and order.

Copenhagen Pride encourages all individuals and groups to respect each other’s attitudes, so that together we can celebrate Denmark’s largest recurring LGBTIQ+ event in a safe, secure, respectful and atmospheric way, which Pride as a diversity festival is known and respected for.