It’s time for Copenhagen Pride Week 2023 – and a brand new edition of HeartCore! This time, the focus is on this year’s theme, COME TOGETHER: an invitation to listen, learn and celebrate together. Because together we are so much stronger.
Happy reading!
Read the articles here

Editorial: Welcome to Pride Week 2023!
By Mariya Alfa Staugaard, editor in chief (She/Her) For the 13th time, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our official magazine and to yet another Copenhagen Pride Week!

The importance of inheritance
By Anne Sophie Parsons (She/Her) Matthew Lopez’s 2019 theatre play The Inheritance (in Danish: Arven) showcases the importance of remembering the battles fought – and lost – when it comes

Human Rights: Highlights
Our human rights group has once again put a tremendous amount of work into creating an exciting and diverse programme that puts the conversation at the centre and creates spaces

Also space for you
A chat with three of Copenhagen’s LGBTI+ bars By Mariya Alfa Staugaard (She/Her)Photography by Rikke Høyen (She/Her) There are a number of LGBTI+ bars in Copenhagen, and what could be

Culture Highlights
By Simone Lindvall (she/her) The theme for this year’s Copenhagen Pride Week is COME TOGETHER, and this is reflected in the culture event programme, which features several performances where artists

Separatism creates space
By Mathias Palmqvist Jensen (They/Them) Disclaimer: The quotes in this article are from actual interviews, but we have chosen to anonymise the people interviewed since there are often strong negative

Youth Night: Highlights
Last year we had the first Copenhagen Pride Youth Night, organised by our amazing youth group. It was a huge success, so this year we’ve stepped it up a notch

Copenhagen’s Pride Art-Seed is sprouting
Photo: Carl-Johan Paulsens photo series Church at Night. Photographer: Anahit. Models: Guillaume Lamour & Matthieu La-Brossard. Design: Carl-Johan Paulsen Last year, Pride Art planted a seed as Copenhagen Pride launched

Come Together
Photo: Rikke Høyen When community is strength By Lars Henriksen (He/Him) ”At last night’s festivities, the courtyard was jammed with people who would in lewd terms shout that the participants

Conversations in Polish Detroit
Foto: Beniamin Gorgoń By Ilya Kharkow (He/Him) Trigger warning: This story contains violence and mentions of war. This is the foreword to a collection of short stories by Ilya Kharkow,

When we come together and help
Photo: News Oresund via Wikimedia Commons By Mathias Palmqvist Jensen (They/Them) Daniel Delove works at The National Hospital (Rigshospitalet) and the night club Den Anden Side (meaning: The Other Side),

Cum Together
Photo: Mia Harvey via Unsplash Japanese Lesbian Shunga Revisited By Anne Sophie Parsons (she/her) Porn is readily accessible on the internet – the lesbian variety being a mostly frowned upon