Welcome to the seventh edition of HeartCore – The Official Copenhagen Pride Magazine. The theme for this edition is SUSTAINABILITY and you can read the full program for Copenhagen Winter Pride Week 2022 on page 23.
Or read the articles here:

Editorial: A word on sustainability
By Mariya Alfa Staugaard, Editor-in-Chief It is once again our pleasure to welcome you to HeartCore. As the calendar has shifted to 2022, the magazine has entered its second year of existence and with that in mind, it is fitting that our theme this time is SUSTAINABILITY. We can think about sustainability in several different

The Alphabet Mafia and Acronyms, whirlwinds of self-realizations
By Jens UlvedahlIllustration by Bartek Kociemba LGBTI+ is an acronym: an abbreviation of initial letters. It stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex, while the + stands for the broad umbrella of other gender identities and sexualities that don’t have a spot in the acronym. LGBTI+ is not the only version of the acronym

I Predict a Riot – The Sustainability Principle in Revolts
By Anne Sophie Parsons Image by Tanya Randstoft Pride and riots are interchangeably linked. From the US-based Stonewall and Compton’s Cafeteria incidents to Bøssernes Befrielsesfront in Denmark, revolts against injustice and discrimination have always been part of the foundation of Pride. At its core, is it then possible to view public protests as the necessary

Thessaloniki has a lot of pride in its Pride. There’s a lesson in that.
By David Blum It wasn’t a celebration, it wasn’t a parade, it was a demonstration in full force, telling the rest of the world that even in Europe we still have so much to learn. Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city, is a city of youth, or at least it might seem that way on the

Queer spaces and sustainability
By Meraj Sahrifi I have visited queer spaces in several European countries; I have talked to Dutchmen in Berlin, have conversed with tipsy strangers in the world’s oldest gay bar, and listened to queer sex workers’ frustrations with online platforms. We all agree, queer spaces have seen an unprecedented increase in cisgender-heterosexual (cis-het) people who

Sustaining history with stories: A chat with Lars Henriksen and Chantal al-Arab
By Nicola PettingerPhotos by Renato Manzionna It’s a dark, dull, windy, and cold afternoon as I knock on the door of the bright and gleaming new Copenhagen Pride office, ready to speak to Lars Henriksen and Chantal al-Arab about their book – Bøssernes Danmarkshistorie 1900-2020. Spirits lift with the wonderful rainbows, hot tea, and two

The Good One
By Maya FarmerThere is a certain anger reservedFor the lesbian so good it hurtsStrapping herself against railingsMarching in yellow coats when it’s hailingShe can preach all day about climate justiceShe can clomp about in Lucy and yakBut that doesn’t mean she’s not a wankerThat of shit she’s not a sackNo matter how many timesShe scampers

Between Zoom Meetings, Coffee Breaks, and Prejudice – A look into the experience of LGBTI+ people at the workplace
By Hendrik Fischer Images from The Gender Spectrum Collection & Unsplash While the theme of this issue of HeartCore is sustainability, I wanted to tackle this subject through a different approach. Away from sustainability’s more common interpretations of fighting global warming towards something personal. At its core, the word sustain means “to provide what is

For this year’s WPW, Copenhagen Pride’s Culture Group is proud to present: Pride Night Live (PNL) PNL will be live-streamed and presented in front of a live studio audience – directly from our own studio in Huset-KBH! We’ll have a variety of live features ranging from music, performance, interviews – and so much more. Check

Buens Bogcafé in Aalborg: “There is also a book for you.”
Tekst og fotos af Mie Hald I december 2021 slår Buens Bogcafé dørene op for LGBTI+ miljøet, der tydeligt har savnet et samlingspunkt, der ikke er centreret om alkohol. Buens Bogcafé er ikke bare den første LGBTI+ bogcafé i Danmark, men også i Norden, og på den måde kan den spæde café jo også kalde

Weathering the Storm: How LGBTI+ Community Can Help the Fight for Climate Justice
Text and photos by Ellen Taylor The rain is getting heavier. Up on the hillside, the inhabitants glance at the water-streaked windows and rush to shut them before settling back down. Perhaps they’ll even be pleased, peering out at the garden, warm drink in hand (“it will do wonders for the flowers!”). Or perhaps they’ll