HeartCore #8 DECADES
In the 8th edition of our official magazine, we’re looking at both the past and the future with a theme that focuses on how things change as well as how they stay the same. The editorial staff wishes you a happy read!
Or read the articles here

Decades come and decades go… By Mariya Alfa Staugaard, Editor-in-ChiefPhoto by Joanna Arteaga Welcome to the eighth edition of HeartCore! As we slowly approach the cusp of our 10th issue, it seems only fitting that our theme for this edition is DECADES. Previously, we have looked back (FIRSTS, February 2021) and forward (FUTURE, May 2021),

Marriage equality in Denmark
A decade ago, on 7 June 2012, the Danish Parliament was in the middle of the third reading of a bill to amend the Marriage Act. The bill would replace the existing definition of marriage with a gender-neutral one, paving the way for the legalization of same-sex marriage. It would replace the Domestic Partnership Act

A bi glow-up
2012-Profile Name: Helene Age: 20Residence: Valby, with my momOccupation: Gap year, student aid at GyldendalStatus: SingleSexual orientation: HeterosexualZodiac: PiscesDrink: Piña ColadaDish: Guacamole… or pasta… or sushiBook: Can’t choose, but just read the Hunger Games and they were really good!!Film: Dead Poets SocietyMusic: The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys and The DarknessTV-show: Buffy the Vampire-slayer and FriendsSpare time:

Bi-frost and Vi-queens
By Mie HaldAll photography by Sofuz Stenklopp Ulf steps out in the early morning and shivers. It’s cold, and he would rather go back to Halfdan, lying warm and safe under the blankets. But Estrid is waiting at home, and he can no longer stay with his beloved. Such a situation may well have taken

A new member of our rainbow community
By Christian-Sebastian Lauritsen The Danish rainbow community has a problem: “There are some people we don’t talk about. Queers who are poor or homeless, or those who face extra adversity due to their skin color or ethnicity, or those who are trans.” This is how Mica Oh (she/her) explains the motivation behind a new initiative.

Pleasure Tales: Not an erotica
By Annastassia Schwan Illustration by Bartek Arobal Kociemba This article discusses male and female pleasure based on existing research that stems from a binary understanding of gender. Male and female in this context refer primarily to empirical categories, not static identity markers. I navigate the world as a cis woman, affecting my personal experiences and

Ideologia LGBT
By Daniel Andres OrdenesAll photography by Krystian Lipiec Humans in the EU is a project that curates portraits of European people and gives them a platform to tell their stories. One of the stories that are dear to our heart is called IDEOLOGIA LGBT, which is Polish for “LGBT Ideology.” The title of the story

LGBT Asylum
Photo by Rikke Høyen Шановні ЛГБТ+ друзі в Україні та з України Ми хотіли б, щоб ви знали, що ми підтримуємо вас у ці жахливі часи, і що ЛГБТпритулок готовий допомогти ЛГБТ+ біженцям з України, які прибувають до Данії. Ми надаємо: Психосоціальна підтримка Юридична консультація Потужна ЛГБТ+ мережа Притулок ЛГБТ – це група ЛГБТ+ людей,

Interview with Jonas Poher Rasmussen
By Lars Henriksen “I would like us to have an eye-level conversation where we are not talking about systems but talking about the people we are surrounded by and their conditions.” It’s a cold day at the end of February when Jonas Poher Rasmussen and I finally manage to find a time to meet and

Queer as Folk
By Riccardo VidePhoto by Raphael Renter / Unsplash A LITTLE QUEER HISTORY For nearly 500 years, the term “Queer” was present in the English vocabulary as a synonym for strange, out of the ordinary. Only towards the end of the 19th century was the term used to describe those who did not conform to society’s

Thus Spake Cassandra’s Sisters
By David BlumEn sandsigerskes sindelag III, 190x150cm, acrylic and polymer on canvas, 2022 by Henriette Hellstern – photographer Rine Rodin “It crossed my mind,” Henriette Hellstern responds. We chuckle once more over the humorous yet frustrating similarities that inspired her to take on the role of curator for the first installment Cassandra’s sisters by a

Silent Voices
By Mie Hald Photo: Ernie A. Stephens / Unsplash LGBTI+ people have been out and about for thousands of years, creating history and becoming icons. But not everyone is known for their queerness, and it isn’t always possible to pinpoint an exact identity to a historical individual. Here you’ll find more or lesser-known historical figures

Entitled and oblivious at Pride
By Christian-Sebastian LauritsenPrivate photo Is the Pride parade embarrassing? Pride has always had its critics, but only a few of them come from within our rainbow community – unfortunately, this seems to be slowly changing, and therefore now is a good time to remind each other what pride actually is. When I’m out and about