Partnership case study: Stoli vodka

Partnerships case study: Stoli vodka

Stoli: an emblem of corporate activism and support for the LGBTI+ community

With almost 85 years of history, Stoli transcends its identity as a quality vodka brand to become an icon of quality, taste and, above all, equality. Over the decades, Stoli has taken a leading role in the defence of LGBTI+ rights, establishing itself as a pioneer in corporate activism and a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion.

Since 2013, Stoli has expressed its opposition to discriminatory laws in Russia, and adapted its marketing strategy to show even clearer support for the global LGBTI+ community. In addition, the brand made significant donations to groups fighting discrimination in that country, reaffirming its commitment to equality and social justice.

In addition, Stoli’s collaboration with LGBTI+ non-profit organisations has been essential. Partners such as the Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative and the Harvey Milk Foundation have received continued support from Stoli over the years. The latter, established in 2009 by Harvey’s nephew Stuart Milk and Anne Kronenberg, continues Harvey Milk’s legacy of promoting global equality and human diversity. Its globally recognised work includes support for emerging LGBTI+ communities and policy advocacy for LGBTI+ rights.

Since 2011, Stoli Group has supported this mission by participating in a variety of initiatives, including fundraising and key events, earning the Harvey Milk Foundation’s Global Business Leadership Award in 2023 for its commitment to global equality. Also in 2018, in commemoration of Harvey Milk Day, Stoli released a special limited-edition bottle featuring the historic gay activist’s image. A percentage of the sales benefited the Harvey Milk Foundation, which focuses on LGBTQ+ education and coalition building. Additionally, Stoli unveiled a mural of Harvey Milk in San Francisco’s Castro neighbourhood, created by Paraguayan artist Oz Montania.

Currently, Stoli continues its commitment to the LGBTI+ community through a series of significant initiatives. “Stoli knows that Pride is 365 days a year, and that it is not just good business to empower and uplift LGBTI+ communities, but that through our global platform and presence we can also help create a more sustainable and freer world for all,” says Patrik Gallineaux, Global LGBTI+ and Multicultural Ambassador for Stoli Group.

For two years now, Stoli has been an official partner of Copenhagen Pride, demonstrating strong support for this celebration. In 2023, partnering with Stoli, Stuart participated in the parade in Copenhagen along with brand ambassador Patrik Gallineaux (he/him), and delivered an inspiring speech on the main stage, highlighting their commitment to the community.

One of Stoli’s most notable contributions was the inclusion of samples of its products in gift bags intended for international guests and all participating artists, providing a tangible experience of the brand. Additionally, Stoli had the honour of being the exclusive spirit provider for the event, further solidifying its partnership with Copenhagen Pride. These actions reflect Stoli’s commitment to celebrating diversity and inclusion with our organisation.

“We are proud to continue to support globally impactful organisations with which we have decades of combined partnership such as the Harvey Milk Foundation as well as the official non-profit of the Stonewall Inn, The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI). We are also incredibly excited to announce during Copenhagen Pride that Stoli Group has achieved Global Safe Space Accreditation through SIGBI’s rigorous ten-step program, making Stoli the first in its product category to receive this important and impactful status. We recognize that Copenhagen Pride shares our values as “The Spirit of Change”, and it therefore only makes sense that we continue and grow this exceptional partnership”, concludes Gallineaux.

Steve Taylor (he/him), Head of Secretariat at Copenhagen Pride, said:

“Few brands embody the spirit of Pride as much as Stoli, and I have seen their genuine and thoughtful engagement at Prides around the world, including at some Prides that are less ‘safe’ and that don’t often attract corporate support. I am delighted that Stoli are a Main Partner of Copenhagen Pride and we look forward to working with them for many years to come”.

This is one in a series of case studies that demonstrate the impact that Copenhagen Pride’s partners have beyond financial support for Pride week. 

For more information on how your business can contribute to LGBTI+ equality globally and all year around through a partnership with Copenhagen Pride, click here or send an email to Steve Taylor.