Pride 2025

Copenhagen Pride 2025

Copenhagen Pride has been organising events for Denmark’s LGBTI+ community since 1996, and 2025 will be no exception. Here is the overview of our events planned in 2025.

Copenhagen Winter Pride

Winter Pride began back in 2015 and is a space for our community to come together in the colder months.

Winter Pride 2025 is from Monday 17 to Sunday 23 February. During the week expect cultural activities, cosy meet-ups, human rights discussions, and varied events. And on Saturday, expect the coolest Winter Pride Party!

More information will be published in January, with the full program available around a month before Winter Pride begins. 

Pride Month

‘Pride month’ is celebrated in many places in June, in recognition of the Stonewall Uprising in June 1969 from which our movement grew. 

In Copenhagen, our Pride is in August, but we often run some events during June. Watch this space for more information!

Copenhagen Pride Week

Our set-piece event of the year is Copenhagen Pride Week when hundreds of thousands of Copenhageners and visitors come out to enjoy our events in what has become Scandinavia’s biggest free Pride event.

Copenhagen Pride Week begins on Saturday 9 August and ends on Sunday 17 August, with the Parade on Saturday 16 August.

Look out for a preview of the event in May, and our full program published in July.

Photo: Anders Buch Kristensen, Copenhagen Pride 2024