A greener parade

A greener parade

Copenhagen Pride’s 2024 Parade will continue to use 100% electric vehicles

What have Copenhagen Pride committed to do: 

In 2023 Copenhagen Pride committed to replacing all diesel vehicles in the Parade with electric alternatives, becoming the world’s first Pride parade to fully transition to electric vehicles. We will continue this in 2024.

Why have we done this: 

There are many issues where LGBTI+ equality and human rights intersect with the climate crisis. It is our shared responsibility to make changes and grow into a more sustainable event. As our Pride evolves, so will our considerations for the environment and the impact that we have. And as responsible event organisers, we will look for every opportunity to reduce or remove our impact – from recycling, use of more sustainable materials, and sourcing as locally as possible. 

The solution:

Copenhagen Pride have worked with our in-house agency PrideUP to make this happen and can offer participants fully electric trucks and other electric vehicles, alongside their range of sustainable solutions for merchandise and everything else you may need to have a fantastic Pride.

The offer:

We will have up to 30 fully electric trucks with trailer and safety fittings. These can drive the whole Pride Parade with sound systems, toilets, DJs etc powered from the truck battery, all with zero emissions

Other options for electric vehicles including buses, cars and bikes can be provided by PrideUP but participants are always free to source their own vehicles as long as they meet the requirements of being fully electric.

We will work together with other Partners to minimise the carbon footprint of the whole event and be as sustainable as possible at all opportunities.

We all know from our regular purchases that sustainable products cost more, and electric vehicles are no different. This change will result in higher prices for the truck rental due to availability in the market and the higher costs of these vehicles. We have worked hard to get this as low as possible for everyone and the price will be heavily subsidised for NGOs and LGBTI+ groups.

Practical info:

Date: 17 August 2023

Time: 12.00 

Route: The Parade will start at Frederiksberg Rådhus and makes its way to Copenhagen Rådhus via Pile Allé, Frederiksberg Allé, Vesterbrogade, Hammerichsgade, and Vester Voldgade.

Registration form 

Applications close: 31 May – there will be a round of approvals after this date to ensure we have all key participants (f.ex LGBTI+ Danish organisations) in the Parade.


For more info contact: [email protected]