#StopHadetNu book

In one year, Lev og Lad Leve gathered 1.000 examples on how hate against LGBTQIA+ people in Denmark in experienced. These examples are collected in this book, alongside personal portraits, photography, illustrations, as well as 30 concrete suggestions for political action.

The book can be accessed at www.stophadet.nu, but if you would like a physical copy, you can get it right here. The sale of the book goes to Lev og Lad Leve.

75,00 kr.

9 in stock

#StopHadetNu book



In 2020, the movement Lev og Lad Leve (Live and Let Live) began in response to the hate crimes that LGBTQIA+ people in Denmark are all too often exposed to. In just one year, they gathered 1.000 examples on how hate against LGBTQIA+ people in Denmark in experienced to make it clear to everyone in Denmark that the hate against LGBTQIA+ people is daily and constant and to break the taboo of sharing your experiences.

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