BSP events

BSP events

BSP stands for body and sex positivism. These events center around more sensitive and private subjects such as sexuality, sexual identity, the body, gender identity

Since the topics of the BSP format deals with issues that can be sensitive, they require a more private space and for that reason there is a different set of guidelines for participants at these events, namely the following safer space guidelines:

  • The events will take place in a closed-off room where photography or filming is not allowed. Tagging the participants on social media is also not allowed.
  • Doors close when the event begins. To avoid interruptions, it will NOT be possible to arrive late for BSP events. Please be on time.
  • What happens in the room, stays in the room. Respect the discretion of all participants and do not discuss the event or mention personal information obtained from the event with people who were not present.

BSP-events during Winter Pride Week all take place in Vox:

BSP events create an intimate space for LGBTIQA+ people, and fortunately we know from experience that the majority of participants understand how to behave and know how to act with mutual respect and practice inclusivity. Bring a friend or come by yourself. Meet new people, stay curious and open-minded. We look forward to seeing you!