LGBTI+ rettigheder i både Danmark og uden for landets grænser. Gør vi nok, hvor skal vi sætte ind og hvordan kommer vi i mål
Gør EU nok for LGBTI+ rettigheder?
LGBTI+ personers rettigheder er under pres verden over og også inden for EU, hvor “”LGBT-fri zoner”” og kamp mod “”LGBT-ideologien”” hører til den politiske virkelighed i flere medlemslande. Senere på året forventer EU-Kommissionen at præsentere en EU-strategi for LGBTI+ ligestilling. Vi har sat de tre danske EU-parlamentarikere Asger Christensen (V), Kira Peter-Hansen (SF) og Karen Melchior (R) samt LGBTI+ programleder hos Amnesty International, Helle Jacobsen stævne for at høre deres syn på sagen. For gør EU nok for at beskytte LGBTI+ personers rettigheder i og uden for EU? Hvordan arbejder Europa-Parlamentet med at fremme LGBTI+ ligestillingen? Og hvad forventer de tre politikere sig af Kommissionens strategi på området? Arrangeret af Europa-Parlamentet i Danmark.
Sprog: Dansk
Deltagere: Asger Christensen (V), Kira Peter-Hansen (SF) og Karen Melchior (R) samt LGBTI-programleder hos Amnesty International, Helle Jacobsen”
The rights of LGBTI+ people are under pressure worldwide and also within the EU, where “”LGBT free zones”” and the fight against “”LGBT ideology”” are part of the political reality in several member states. Later in the year, the European Commission expects to present an EU strategy for LGBTI+ equality. We have gathered three Danish EU parliamentarians: Asger Christensen (V), Kira Peter-Hansen (SF) and Karen Melchior (R) as well as LGBTI+ Program Manager at Amnesty International, Helle Jacobsen, to hear their views on the matter. Does the EU do enough to protect the rights of LGBTI+ people inside and outside the EU? How is the European Parliament working to promote LGBTI+ equality? And what do the three politicians expect from the Commission’s strategy on this area?
Language: Danish.
Participants: Asger Christensen (V), Kira Peter-Hansen (SF) and Karen Melchior (R) as well as LGBTI+ Program Manager at Amnesty International, Helle Jacobsen
LBGTI+ i Rigsfællesskabet: Rettigheder, udfordringer …
LBGTI+ i Rigsfællesskabet: Rettigheder, udfordringer & muligheder
The Danish Institute for Human Rights and Humanity in Action Denmark invite you to a panel discussion on LGBTI+ rights, challenges and propects for the future in the Unity of the Danish Realm. The Danish Institute for Human Rights and Humanity in Action Denmark invite you to a panel discussion on LGBTI+ rights, challenges and propects for the future in the Unity of the Danish Realm.
Moderator: Abdel Aziz Mahmoud, TV-Host, Journalist, Author, and Lecturer
Michaela, Danish Institute for Human Rights: LGBTI People’s Rights and Life Conditions in Denmark 2020″” Eva Maria Lassen, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for Human Rights: “”Religion and LGBTI rights in Greenland and the Faroe Islands”” Kim Falck-Petersen, Personal Assistant to the Head of the Greenlandic Representation in Denmark Oda Ellingsgaard, Talent Acquisition Advisor, Novo Nordisk and LGBT Føroya Board Member
I samarbejde med Institut for Menneskerettigheder, Danmarks Nationale Menneskerettighedsinstitution, inviterer Humanity in Action Danmark til en paneldebat om LGBTI+ rettigheder, udfordringer og vilkår i Rigsfællesskabet.
Abdel Aziz Mahmoud, TV-vært, journalist, forfatter og oplægsholder
Michaela, Institut for Menneskerettigheder: LGBTI People’s Rights and Life Conditions in Denmark 2020
Eva Maria Lassen, Seniorforsker, Institut for Menneskerettigheder: “Religion and LGBTI rights in Greenland and the Faroe Islands”
Kim Falck-Petersen, Personlig assistent for den grønlandske repræsentationschef
Oda Ellingsgaard, Talent Acquisition Advisor, Novo Nordisk samt LGBT Føroya bestyrelsesmedlem
Queerrepræsentation i samfundet
How can Denmark take responsibility for LGBTI+ refugees on the run? LGBT Asylum receives inquiries from LGBTI+ people all around the world who have fled from their country of origin due to their sexuality and/or gender identity, and are now living in local communities. The stories and cries for help that LGBT Asylum receives all point to one thing: LGBTI+ refugees are not safein the local communities either. We will focus on Denmark’s responsibility. What about quota refugees and where do we have to do more?
Language: English
Hvordan kan Danmark tage ansvar for LGBTI+ flygtninge på flugt? LGBT Asylum modtager henvendelser om hjælp fra LGBTI+ personer rundt om i verden, der er flygtet fra deres oprindelsesland grundet seksuel orientering og/eller kønsidentitet, og nu befinder sig i et nærområde. De beretninger og råb om hjælp, som LGBT Asylum får, peger på én ting: Heller ikke i nærområderne er LGBTI+ flygtninge i sikkerhed. Vi sætter fokus på Danmarks medansvar. Hvad med kvoteflygtninge, og hvor skal vi gøre mere?
Sprog: Engelsk