At starte en familie som LGBTI+ person indebærer en række udfordringer, og det kan være svært at navigere i et system, der helst kun vil lege far, mor og børn. Normkritisk jordeperson Camilla Tved tager dig igennem centrale emner i processen: Lovgivningen, fertilitetsbehandling, sociale udfordringer, og hvordan det er at stifte familie, når man ikke kan spejle sig i andre og både er alt for synlig og alt for usynlig. Der lægges op til spørgsmål og dialog.
Sprog: Dansk
Deltagere: Camilla Tved
Starting a family as an LGBTI+ person involves a lot of challenges, and it can be difficult to navigate a system that prefers to play family with a mum, dad and kids. Norm critical midwife Camilla Tved will talk us through the central issues of the process: legislation, fertility treatment, social challenges, andwhat it’s like to start a family when you don’t see yourself reflected in others and are too visible and invisible at the same time. Questions and dialogue are encouraged.
Language: Danish
Participants: Camilla Tved